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Finding Hope In Depression

Things are not always as they seem. We post our best pictures and display our best selves on social media. But if we are honest with ourselves, most of us will admit that we have fought or are fighting some intense emotional, spiritual, psychological, physical, or financial battles in this season.

Life seems very uncertain now, with COVID-19 threatening our peace. Marriages are on the rocks, and churchliness has lead to a lukewarmness in our spirit. Plus ________ challenges(fill in the blank). Life is not easy, but it is what it is(The good, bad, and the ugly).

Please do not wait for things to get perfect to LIVE. Find the beauty in each moment, each person, and each situation. Choose to appreciate each day you get to see the sunrise, the sunset, hear your children scream, and the untimely barking of the dog during your remote work meeting. Many people have transitioned to the other side over the past several months. Find peace in the fact that you are still alive. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Just live one day at a time.

Love you all!


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